일본 생활 팁

일본 코로나 비상 사태 선언에 따른 일본 대기업 회사 대응

freemero. 2021. 1. 10. 17:02

일본 코로나 비상 사태 선언에 따른 일본 대기업 회사 대응


안녕하세요 얼마 전 도쿄의 도지사가 스가 총리에게 비상 사태 선언을 선언해 줄 것을 요청하였고, 한국 뉴스에서도 실제 도쿄에서는 비상사태 선언을 하였습니다. 


제가 지금 근무하고 있는 회사는 일본 주식 시장에 상장되어 있는 대기업 규모의 회사로 1/8일부터 회사로부터 메일을 수신하였습니다. 전문을 그대로 공개합니다. 














      時差出勤       :   現行の対応を継続。(7時、8時、10時、11時出社を可能とする)


                                                    ※ 但し出社の際には20時以降の勤務は可能な限り控えて下さい

   会議          :  可能な限りオンラインで開催。


       出張       :  原則見合わせとする

       会食(社外)   :  原則見合わせとする。

       会食(社内)   :  原則見合わせとする。     


    ※ マスク着用、手洗い励行、三密回避は可能な限りにおいて























Dear All,


Thank you for your continued good work under the current circumstances. 


Due to the rapid increase of COVID-19, the state of emergency has been declared in Tokyo and 

its surrounding prefectures. In this connection, the working regime from Jan. 8th, 2021 to Feb. 7th, 2021 

shall be as follows;


During the above period, please try to reduce the percentage of working in the office in a week to 

maximum 30% with careful consideration of infection prevention measures.


Please make sure to fill out your schedule here on the portal site;


Please also note the following guidances (changes are in yellow marked);


【Flex time】

    The flex time system (you can come to the office and start work at 7:00am, 8:00am, 10:00am, 11:00am)

    and the current system that you can combine working in the office and working from home in the 

    same day (i.e. working in the office for several hours and then go home and continue remote work 

    or you can work from home in the morning and come to the office in the afternoon etc.) with

    your boss's permission will remain. However, please try to avoid working after 20:00hrs. 


   Conduct online meetings as much as possible. If you need to have face-to-face meetings, 

   please take countermeasures for avoiding 3Cs*. 


【Business trips】 

   Basically postpone.


【Business lunch or dinner】 

 Basically postpone.


【Meals with your colleagues】

    Basically postpone.


*Closed spaces with poor ventilation

 Crowded places with many people nearby

     Close-contact setting such as close-range conversations



  Keep wearing masks, washing hands and avoid 3Cs. 


Please also pay attention to the following points in doing your work to avoid miscommunication

and for smooth operation.


 ・Please perceive and be aware of the importance or urgency of each work, and share the awareness 

         with your team/group members and conduct the task in cooperation with them (put a higher priority 

         on the important or urgent tasks). 


 ・Please share the information on the tasks within your team/group members and avoid the circumstance 

         that it is only you who recognize them. 


 ・Please report neccesary information to your boss or concerned parties as soon as possible and 

         keep a record in writing. 


 ・Please share the progress of your work with your team/group members and also grasp the progress of 

        your colleagues' work as much as possible.  



If you have any queries, please contact Administration sect. 


Please continue to take the countermeasures against infection and stay safe.


We would appreciate having your cooperation.


관리팀으로부터 수신한 메일인데 그냥 복사 붙여 넣기 했습니다. 이 문서가 구글에 중복문서로 잡히지는 않겠지;;; 1/8일부터 시작해서 2/7일까지 시행하네요.


가장 맘에 드는 문구는 During the above period, please try to reduce the percentage of working in the office in a week to maximum 30% with careful consideration of infection prevention measures.입니다. 회사에서 일하는 시간을 30%로 줄이고 재택 근무를 하라는 메세지 입니다. 출퇴근도 flexble하게 조정을 하라는 메세지도 있네요. 


개인적으로 코로나가 끝나더라도 이 재택근무 시스템을 계속해서 유지하면 어떨까 라는 바램이 있네요^^;;;




